An error has occurred

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An error has occurred

Post by JustBe »

Only get the opening bit, then as soon as It goes to the aircraft it stops with the message:

An error has occurred.

Returning you to the login menu.

Tried many times, always the same problem. Have restarted my pc and Uplay several times, no difference :angry-banghead:
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Re: An error has occurred

Post by Weena »

Disable Afterburner and Rive tuner :)
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Re: An error has occurred

Post by JustBe »

Don't use any.

After looking on the Ubi Crew 2 forum - PC - Technical Support - 100's are having the same problem - well done ubi
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Re: An error has occurred

Post by Weena »

Found this in the Ubi Forum. The error seams related to an driver check.

I Tried this and it works so far.

Create a txt document and paste this command into it and save it as a .bat file.

if exist C:\Windows\System32\nvapi64.Old goto Old
chdir /d C:\Windows\System32
ren nvapi64.dll nvapi64.Old
echo @ Named
goto End

chdir /d C:\Windows\System32
ren nvapi64.Old nvapi64.dll
echo @ Renamed
goto End


Run the bat and it will disable the driver check some games make if you run old drivers (Nvidia Cards only). The game now works fully with no problems and i am way past the intro with no crashes. It will disable the nvidia control panel though so make sure to do any changes before running it. If you want to go back just run the bat again.

-------------------------------------------------------- ... st13512933

Some other guy say it works if you play in border less window mode
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Re: An error has occurred

Post by Weena »

Other things I noticed....

Clutch is not working. You can set it to (H-Shifter+Manual Clutch). But this is not working, only once :D

Slider for ESP Traction and so on not working.

Pretty weird FFB feeling.

And also. You cant level UP. Only Rocky. :roll:
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Re: An error has occurred

Post by Don »

It's probably the same version as the last TTS, only with the lock at rookie (which was btw announced ;) )
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Re: An error has occurred

Post by JustBe »

Seems they fixed it - server side - lol
My boss said you should have been here at 9, I said why, what happened. He was not amused.
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